Raquel Ribeiro | Fundación Gabo

Raquel Ribeiro

Pedro Remaya tocando la Flauta. Edwin Padilla/ Archivo FNPI
Além de cañamillero, Sergio faz e vende flautas para toda a região, para vários músicos de cumbia, como Pedro “Ramaya” Béltran, o maestro da flauta, cañamillero de alma e coração, talvez um dos mais importantes da Colômbia. E vive apenas a três passos de Caracoli.

Owen Sheers posando para el fotógrafo en Cartagena de Indias. Álvaro Delgado/Archivo FNPI
Sheers and the director, Stephen Rayne, traveled around the UK, visiting barracks, personnel recovery units and rehabilitation centers. “We became well-acquainted with the names of certain drugs, types of prosthetics, military jargon”, wrote Sheers in The Guardian. Even before he interviewed the soldiers, Sheers wrote the humorous “medication song”, a list of medication – ibuprofen, paracetamol, omeprazole, esomeprazole, fluoxetin, citalopram – representing their addiction to drugs prescribed for their physical and psychological trauma.

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