Smriti Daniel | Fundación Gabo

Smriti Daniel

Foto: Joaquín Sarmiento/FNPI.
Picós are at the heart of an ongoing debate in Colombia. Critics allege that champeta is misogynistic and promotes promiscuity, especially among the young and impressionable.

Foto: Joaquín Sarmiento/FNPI.
Her work has appeared in Al Jazeera, VICE, The Caravan, The Sunday Times,, SciDev.Net, The Hindu, The Hindu Business Line, National Geographic’s GeoTourism site, Open Magazine, Condé Nast Traveller, Mint, Times of India (Crest Edition), among other publications.  

Foto: Joaquín Sarmiento/FNPI.
Su trabajo se ha publicado en Al Jazeera, VICE, La Caravana, The Sunday Times,, SciDev.Net, The Hindu, The Hindu Business Line, el sitio GeoTourism de National Geographic, Open Magazine, Condé Nast Traveller, Mint, Times of India (Crest Edition), entre otras publicaciones.

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