Ana Cristina Ayala | Fundación Gabo

Ana Cristina Ayala

Foto: Joaquín Sarmiento/FNPI.
She cofounded Don´t Panic, a group of art and research based on interviewing people from different disciplines about their conception on fundamental concepts such as death, mistakes or shape and she received an award of Criticism and Journalism for the Arts, by the District Institution for the Arts (IDARTES) and the Center of Journalism of Los Andes University (CEPER).

She cofounded Don´t Panic, a group of art and research based on interviewing people from different disciplines about their conception on fundamental concepts such as death, mistakes or shape and she received an award of Criticism and Journalism for the Arts, by the District Institution for the Arts (IDARTES) and de Center of Journalism of Los Andes University (CEPER)

Foto: Joaquín Sarmiento/FNPI.
Cofundó Don't Panic, un grupo de arte e investigación basado en entrevistas a personas de diferentes disciplinas, y recibió un premio de Crítica y Periodismo por las Artes, por la Institución Distrital de las Artes (IDARTES) y el Centro de Periodismo de la Universidad de Los Andes (CEPER).

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