Víctor Menco Haeckermann, Colombia

Víctor Menco Haeckermann, Colombia

Author of the short story book “El hombre que hablaba por mí” [The Man Who Spoke for Me] and co-autor of “Le Dictionnaire universel des créatrices” [The Universal Dictionary of Female Creators].
Foto: Joaquín Sarmiento/FNPI.

Journalist, author and singer-songwriter from Cartagena. Fellowship holder of the MA in Spanish with the concentration in Creative Writing at the University of Texas-Pan American (USA), the BA in Linguistics and Literature at the University of Cartagena (Colombia), the Colombo American Cultural Center and the Iberoamerican New Journalism Foundation (2015 y 2017). Author of the short story book “El hombre que hablaba por mí” [The Man Who Spoke for Me] (Pluma de Mompox, 2011) and co-autor of “Le Dictionnaire universel des créatrices” [The Universal Dictionary of Female Creators] (Des femmes, 2013), published in France with the patronage of Unesco. His mini short story “Ella tiene un déjà vu” [She has a déjà vu], winner of the University of Cordoba Mini Short Story Prize 2008, appears in the “Colección del cuento corto colombiano” [Collection of the Colombian Short Story] (Univalle, 2016). Besides some national collections, he has been anthologized in “El corazón habitado. Últimos cuentos de amor en Colombia” [The Inhabited Heart. Last Love Short Stories in Colombia] (Spain) and “Doble E 1: nuevos escritores del Caribe colombiano” [Dobble E 1: New Writers of the Colombian Caribbean] (Canadá). After working at the UT-Pan American and the University of Cartagena, hi is a professor at the Colombo International University Foundation and contributor of the magazine Visión Total Caribe, entre otros medios impresos. 


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