Rafa G. Escalona, Cuba

Rafa G. Escalona, Cuba

He has had blogs, columns in different media, podcasts and various projects that have stalled at one point because as Lichtenberg, procrastination is his sign.
Foto: Joaquín Sarmiento/FNPI.

A reader at 27 years old. Journalism graduate from the Communications Department of the University of Havana (2013). Served during two years as web editor and journalist for the Trabajadores newspaper, before completely going over to the dark side. Since 2015 he is part of 4C Producciones, an independent collective dedicated to management and training in the cultural sphere. In 2016, together with a youthful and small collective of journalist, social comunicators and designers, he founded Cachivache Media, a Cuban digital publication interested in the intersections between technology, culture and society. He is a fellow of the 2017 Cultural Journalism Fellowship of the Gabriel Garcia Marquez Foundation for New Journalism in Latin America. He has had blogs, columns in different media, podcasts and various projects that have stalled at one point because as Lichtenberg, procrastination is his sign. He is pregnant with a magazine of Cuban music.

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